A Friend To All Is A Friend To None
It is not conceivable to be friends with everyone. And we should be suspicious of those who claim this.
Seldom friendship requires choosing sides in a dispute, holding up for them, putting hard truths, keeping their secret, being there through rough times, swearing loyalty, or some additional actions.
You can’t perform all that for the entire world.
First, you will become worn out and cast too thin. Most importantly, you can’t hold two contradicting sides. You have to compose choices.
It is reasonable to be “friendly” with most people as usual. That means handling people adequately, acknowledging them with a smile, and being sensitive to what they want to speak.
That is very diverse from friendship. True friendship wants a choice and a promise. It frequently requires picking one person above another.
If someone treats you as your best friend but acts that way with someone whose interests are adverse to your own, this is an enormous red flag.
Do not think you can count on that personality, and analyze carefully before determining to trust that person.
That person likely either does not realize true friendship or is being deliberately two-faced. Loyalty is a huge part of friendship. The bible instructs us, one cannot obey two masters.
A guy/girl who appears friendly to everyone is ineffective to me when the flakes are down. I need a valid companion whom I can trust with my mysteries, grief, and obstacles.
I require someone proficient and committed enough to accept me even though it may cost him a relationship with someone else or any other price.
My parents perpetually taught me that if we can count one, two, or three genuine good friends in our life, we are truly blissful.
As I heard this beautiful phrase somewhere, “Few friends are true and true friends are few.”
Although I know in my heart what this phrase proposes and concur with the sentiment, it turns out to be tougher to place into words than I thought. I’ll be curious to see what others have to tell.